These days, you can’t really pass a single day without encountering a number of tropes that place all of the blame for America’s or Canada’s problems on China. It’s loud, and almost as pervasive as the anti-muslim sentiment during the weeks following the World Trade Center demolition.

If the financier oligarchy and leading black nobility of Europe’s power centers are discussed at all by conservative-geared media voices (they typically aren’t), then it is typically treated as a secondary feature, controlled by the demonic hand of the evil Chinese CCP vampires out to steal our organs, enforce Malthusian social credit technocracy onto the world, launch Wuhan bioweapon attacks, turn our kids woke, coordinate secret police stations… all while making the frogs gay.

We are told that China is behind the migrant crisis, America’s drug problems, and by the way, Xi Jinping is also controlling Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau.

Most westerners have come to believe that China’s New Silk Road isn’t about building infrastructure but rather taking over the world, and in the recent Great Awakening film (aka: Plandemic 3), we are told that China was alone responsible for brainwashing hippies and infiltrating US educational institutions during the 1960s… all while China was still a 3rd world country. An amazing accomplishment for an impoverished nation with a life expectancy of 48 years of age still recovering from the century of humiliation.

I suppose one can defend these tropes since they at least it gives us all something to get angry at without obliging us to evaluate the scope of the evil that has been permitted to grow within our own institutions since 1776- overseeing the murder of our presidents, managing our banks, running coups, regime changes, and false flags from the Sinking of the Lusitania, the Gulf of Tonkin to 9/11 and beyond.

This week, my buddy Craig Pasta Jardula asked me to systematically address as many of these popular narratives as possible, which is now available by clicking the links below…

Or watch on Rumble here or Bitchute here

Or try out some mini shorts using these:

Also watch for free our RTF Docu-Series “Escaping Calypso’s Island: A Journey Out of Our Green Delusion” and our CP Docu-Series “The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs”.


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