by Anton Chaitkin

Click here for part 1

How the General Got Zapped

In an interview with this reporter on July 28, 1997, General Haines said he asked Colonel Ammerman to initiate the new chaplaincy organization when he and Ammerman were in Europe in the late 1970s. They had both been speaking at a Heidelberg, Germany, military unit of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International–a covert, masonic-like core organization of the British religious initiative created in the early 1950s.

Haines described his own fall into the “spirit-filled” world. At that time, military officers, scientists, and others leaders of America’s military-industrial complex were being hunted as prizes. He said his wife was “baptized in the Holy Spirit” around 1967 or 1968, some three or four years before his own induction. This gave her “something to occupy herself with” while Haines was commander of the Army for the Pacific region (1968-70), with responsibility for the logistics of the Vietnam War.

In 1970, Haines became commander of Continental Army Command, headquartered at Fort Monroe, near Norfolk, Virginia. His wife began working with the Pat Robertson organization as a volunteer. Through his wife, and one of Robertson’s close associates, an invitation was issued for Haines to speak at a rally of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship, at a Buffalo, New York hotel, on July 24, 1971.

He said he went there thinking he would give a moderate Christian speech, such as he had given before to the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs. He showed up July 23, the day before he was to speak, in order to “case the joint.” But they had him sit at the head table, next to Harald Bredesen. This Bredesen is one of a small central clique of operatives in the Pentecostal initiative, working under the coordination of British Empire agent David J. du Plessis, whose career will be reviewed below. Bredesen is a professional mind-bender in what is best termed Britain’s “occult bureau.” He inducted Robertson into the game around 1960; Bredesen and the Full Gospel Businessmen then built up Robertson into a multibillion-dollar political empire.

This is how Haines depicted his capture:

“The `businessmen’ [in the audience] testified; tears ran down their cheeks. I was getting very uncomfortable. I signalled to my aide, let’s get going, let’s get out of here. But Harald leaned over to me; he said, Are you charismatic? I thought it over. I answered, I don’t think so. What did charismatic mean? I thought of George Patton.

“Harald was the speaker. I thought, when in Rome, shoot Roman candles. People were putting up their hands [in uncontrolled fervor]. I put my hands up a little bit–the discreet Episcopal level. People asked me, `General, what’s your problem–why only half mast?’

“After Harald gave his talk, there was renewed praising of the Lord. My hands crept up to fully extended. I felt things happening to me. I felt things beyond my comprehension. It was not elation. I was dazed by it. Everyone crowded around me–they could all see something was happening. People closed in on me–I got out–I went to my room; I wanted to be alone. Harald came and ministered to me for a short time.

“The next day I saw that the speech I was to deliver was pabulum. What would satisfy these people? The people were saying, `The general got zapped last night.’ So though I used the core of what I had prepared, I now spoke differently, tailoring it to what had happened. I then thought, I don’t know what God wants of me but I’m ready to do what He says.”

What happened, when General Haines became possessed “by the Holy Spirit” at that rally? In a recent article in Stephen Strang’s Charisma magazine, Bredesen explains

“the way demons operate. Unclean spirits come into a medium, violate her personality and speak through her.”

But rest assured, what Bredesen and his sponsors are doing is different.

“The Holy Spirit doesn’t want mediums, robots or zombies.”

Do you want to become God’s partner? Bredesen instructs you,

“Don’t speak words your mind understands. As long as you do, your mind will remain in control.

“Don’t listen to yourself. Can you imagine a little child learning to talk? Does he say, `Ma-ma-ma-ma,’ and then stop with, `I can’t say that. That’s not language’? No, he just hugs his daddy’s neck and prattles away.” 

Charisma publisher Stephen Strang is a trustee of a U.S.-based core leadership team of mind-benders, incorporated as the Charismatic Bible Ministries, along with Ammerman, Oral Roberts, and others in this British outreach initiative. Strang also publishes New Man magazine, organ of the recently formed Promise Keepers cult. In a recent issue, under the title “Worm Training,” a cult guide named Wellington Boone explains the religious problem and how this gang solves it:

“People have not yet learned how to become broken…. We are called to be `worms.’… A worm never protests…. Can you say, for Christ, `I am a worm and am no man’?|… Jesus was crushed like a worm. He was slapped. They spat in His face until it ran down His cheeks…. God doesn’t raise anything that is not dead.”

“If we allow God … to work into us the idea of `worm-training,’ it would be revolutionary. We would gain a worm’s-eye view of what God wants…. When we really meet Jesus and allow ourselves to be crushed … the impact will rock this world.”

The ‘Mystery’ of British-Israel Solved

Nowadays, 50,000 men and boys are periodically herded into a stadium to babble incoherently, to weep and laugh hysterically for the Promise Keepers. Or, at a specially rigged church at the Toronto, Canada airport, troubled worshippers come from far way to be miraculously cured; they fall into trances on the floor and bark like dogs, in “worship.” Civilized humanity is obliged to ask, how has this come about?

The main figure in the creation of today’s Pentecostalism, British agent David J. du Plessis, insisted that this phenomenon has no history whatsoever: It simply happened. Writing in 1956, du Plessis claimed,

“It [is] clear that it was no man-made cult of `tongues.’ Only the `power’ of which Jesus spake, could have caused its miraculous growth and establishment”

up to that point, from the beginning of the twentieth century. As the “charismatic renewal,” a new Pentecostal movement, was just then being geared up in the 1950s, du Plessis lied that

“there has never been a man or a movement than can claim the credit for having planned or propagated this world embracing Pentecostal Revival. It is simply the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit … to bring the `Full Gospel Message’ to the whole world in this generation…. This sudden move towards mass evangelism lately … cannot be attributed to anything else than the spontaneous move of the Holy Spirit.”

We shall give here the first serious historical account of the “planning and propagating.” We speak now of the high church principalities and powers who have built this new Tower of Babel, who look down with contempt upon their captive babblers, their low churchers, the herd, the worms.

It is necessary first to bring to light a myth known as British Israelism, which stands behind Pentecostalism. This is an evil piece of historical race gossip, spread into American religion, into the ranks of American populists, poisoning the minds of separatists and Armageddon terrorists.

The British monarchy and its prime ministers and Foreign Office fabricated British Israelism in the nineteenth century, from earlier versions of the story. They claimed that Queen Victoria was descended from the Biblical King David, and was thus a descendant of the Davidic family tree that produced Jesus. They taught that the tribes of Israel wandered into northern Europe; that by this supposed genealogy, the British are the real Chosen People, and the British Empire is thus God’s empire.

The modern Jews, by this British account, are not the historical Hebrews of Old Testament Israel, but rather, the British are. But, says the British Israel myth, in a leap of logic, the Jews need to be put into Palestine, to fulfill prophecy, get slaughtered in a war with the Muslims, and bring about the End Times.

To provide fuel for this mythology, the royal family asked the British Grand Lodge of Freemasonry to establish the Palestine Exploration Fund. In the 1870s, they dispatched soldier-archeologists to the Holy Land, to dig up supposed religious relics that might impress the cheap fancies of the beggarly masses.

British Israelism designed its Jewish angle to be worked in many politically useful ways, along a spectrum from Nazi anti-Semitism to radical Zionism. The cynical character of this entire travesty may be seen, in the way the story was changed to suit imperial politics. During the 1870s, Germany broke from allegiance to British free trade doctrines. The London “prophets” then reconfigured ancient history. Suddenly, it wasn’t Britain and Germany, collectively the Nordic Aryans, who were the wandering Chosen People, but only Britain. Modern Germans, it had been discovered, are the ancient Assyrians!

In his book Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement, author Michael Barkun presents a nagging paradox, which he never solves. He reports that British Israelism originates with the British military, the Anglican Church, the British upper classes, who are fanatical loyalists to the government, the British Empire. Yet, this mother has given birth to the Christian Identity Movement, whose racist paranoia and paramilitary anger are aimed against the government, the United States government. Barkun cannot puzzle out the mystery, how the same historical movement can both support the government, and oppose the government!

The British Empire Invents Pentecostalism

According to Pentecostal lore, the movement began when a woman spoke in tongues in the church of Charles Fox Parham in Topeka, Kansas, in 1901. Reverend Parham spread the method until it blossomed in the famous Azusa Street, Los Angeles, revival of 1906; from there, disciples took it around the world.

During the year preceeding the launch-time, Parham had caught fire with British Israelism. He had been indoctrinated into the Empire’s mystery cult by emissaries of one Frank Sandford, who ran a cult center called Shiloh, near Durham, Maine. Parham made a pilgrimage and studied under Sandford at Shiloh, after which the two of them went on tour through Canada.

Sandford had made the New England Toryism of his fancy Anglophile family relations into a career, travelling back and forth to England, working to inculcate Americans into the British Empire gospel.

In those days, British Israelism was not shy. Its literature, such as The Anglo-American Alliance in Prophecy, or The Promise to the Fathers, published by Our Race Publishing Co., featured the masonic mummery of a pyramid topped by an all-seeing eyeball. The Egyptian pyramids allegedly contained coded secrets for understanding prophecy. The explicit message of the British Israel propaganda was, Americans should give up their mistaken Revolution, and reunite with their Anglo-Saxon racial brethren in the English fatherland. The movement’s masonic Anglomania was proudly displayed. Parham’s biography, written by his daughter, includes a photo of a mystery gavel, brought back from Palestine and donated by Parham to his masonic lodge.

With British Israelism as his theory of man’s cosmic destiny, Parham began teaching Americans how to die mentally, to speak in tongues, as a religious exercise, allegedly re-creating the descent of the Holy Ghost upon Christ’s Apostles during the Jewish feast of Pentecost. He took this show on the road from Topeka, and in Houston, Texas, a black preacher named William J. Seymour, the son of a slave, became part of his audience. The catch was, that Parham, being a crazed racist, would not permit Seymour inside the lecture hall; he had to listen at the window, or in the hallway.

Much is made of Seymour’s spreading of the technique to a mostly black congregation on Azusa Street in Los Angeles, and of the fascination and novelty it held for visiting religious adventurers who took “Pentecostalism” out to the world. The movement was widely condemned by Christians as scandalous exploitation, and its historical origins faded into the mist. Frank Sandford spent ten years in jail for manslaughter, after many of his cult members died. Charles Parham’s religious vocation was destroyed when he was charged with sodomizing a young male follower in Texas; Parham went on to a new career as a stump speaker for the Ku Klux Klan.

In 1908, British and allied American missionaries, who had observed the success of the experiment among blacks in America, brought Pentecostalism to South Africa. The British Empire had just then completed its conquest of that country in the Boer War against the Dutch-immigrant Afrikaner settlers. The great majority of the population were black Africans, including the rebellious Zulus, whom the British had militarily subdued in 1906. The new British masters shaped a uniquely brutal system of racial separation and slave labor, called apartheid.

The cultists and hypnotists went to work on the Zulus of South Africa. At the new Apostolic Faith Mission church, Zulu worshippers, in trances, would fall into heaps, clustered around the altar. British Empire South African strategist Cecil Rhodes congratulated the Pentecostal mind-benders for pacifying the natives as no military could have done.

Americans had better reflect deeply about what the British have done to Africa. For it was precisely the British Empire’s apparatus for colonial conquest in Africa, which fashioned irrational Pentecostalism as one among the weapons used against America’s “uppity” spirit of Reason and Progress.

[This article was originally published in Executive Intelligence Review, August 22, 1997. Much of the intelligence provided to the author came from Christians and patriots alarmed at the prospect of agencies manipulating people into counterproductive activity.]

The author requests all questions, comments or further intelligence leads be sent to Anton Chaitkin c/o

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