By Matthew Ehret

I must confess that witnessing a genuine display of sovereign leadership from a living leader of a Canadian province was not something I was anticipating amidst the current systemic breakdown of western civilization and promotion of the Great Reset Agenda. This is why the remarks made by Alberta Premier Jason Kenney in response to a query touching on the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset (endorsed whole heartedly by Justin Trudeau and his technocratic controllers) was such a breath of fresh air.

Indeed if civilization will find the moral fitness to survive, examples set by the likes of Jason Kenney can no longer be the “outliers” but rather the norm as elected officials demonstrate morality and courage in defense of the people, sovereign nation states and civilization from those neo-feudal technocrats wishing to impose their dystopic fantasies upon the world.

Without further ado, attached is the Rebel Media coverage of Kenney’s remarks:


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2 thoughts

  1. This is a hero. A true one. Can you imagine that Schwab has sent a copy of his book to all our elected officials and world governments ??? This Great Reset being pushed by the international mob of the WEF, IMF, UN, world banksters and co is the first kind of international coup we encounter. It’s not a hidden agenda, a conspiracy theory, it’s all laid out on their own websites, videos, books, and such. They are using this “crisis” to implement their openly laid out agenda. And be sure that you are not in the club, as George Carlin Used to say…

  2. 759 ‘new cases’ of COVID in British Columbia today – those face masks certainly are working a treat. We are well past a full incubation cycle since the face-masks-in-all-indoor-public-spaces was imposed, and it was recently extended to January 8th. In mid-July, when almost nobody wore a mask, they were a tenth what they are now. But the myth that the public-health authorities know what’s best for us persists.

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