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The Occult Tesla Part 4: Tesla’s Martians and H.G. Wells

Part 1: Newton, Rosicrucianism and the Imperial Control of Science

Part 2: Tesla’s Eugenics (and other Black Magick)

Part 3: Tesla and his Nazi Friend… The Strangest Friendship

In the wake of H.G. Wells’ famous War of the Worlds published in 1898, a wave of “Martian mania” spread across the western world with channelers, mediums and psychics professing to have received communications from higher entities from outer space.

Tesla may or may not have believed he received psychic communication with aliens (his assistant Arthur Matthews testifies that he did), but he certainly believed that he was receiving messages from Martians via wireless receivers that he had developed in Long Island and Colorado as early as 1898 financed by JP Morgan.

 In a February 1921 interview with the Albany Telegram, Tesla said:

“I have a deep conviction…that highly intelligent beings exist on Mars.  I believe they have reached a mechanical stage of civilization much more advanced than ours.  However, it is quite likely that all racial distinctions and ideals have been extinguished there and life has become simply a desperate struggle for existence.  The population may have been reduced to a few highly specialized individuals.

Twenty-two years ago, while experimenting in Colorado with a wireless power plant, I obtained extraordinary experimental evidence of the existence of life on Mars.  I had perfected a wireless receiver of extraordinary sensitiveness, far beyond anything known, and I caught signals which I interpreted as meaning 1 – 2 – 3 – 4.  I believe the Martians used numbers for communication because numbers are universal.”

Tesla had a very specific notion of the type of aliens that had evolved on Mars, and followed the exact same line of reasoning popularized by H.G. Wells who had detailed alien life as a more advanced expression of humanity.

In his 1898 War of the Worlds, Wells writes:

“To me it is quite credible that the Martians may be descended from beings not unlike ourselves… we men are just in the beginning of the evolution that the Martians have worked out. They have become practically mere brains wearing different bodies according to their needs just like men wear suits of clothes.”

 In his 1901 “I Expect to Talk to Mars” Tesla wrote:

“It is logical to assume that the biological evolution of the Martians more or less parallel that of the human species, although they may have reached a stage far in advance of ours. They see, smell, feel, hear life through the same sense as we. It is no strain on the imagination to assume some super-Tesla on Mars, perfecting at this very moment, some new system of communication with us.”

This characterization of aliens as the outcome of Darwinist forces of natural selection beyond current humans is the driving force of transhumanism– a term popularized by Thomas Huxley’s grandson Sir Julian Huxley in 1957.

Writing in his his 1957 New Bottles for New Wine, Julian Huxley said:

“I believe in transhumanism: once there are enough people who can truly say that, the human species will be on the threshold of a new kind of existence, as different from ours as ours is from that of Peking man. It will at last be consciously fulfilling its real destiny.”

As we will soon come to see in part 9 of this series, both Nikola Tesla and H.G. Wells were both equally influenced by… Thomas Huxley, and especially leading figures of Huxley’s X Club.

On the Non-Human Causes of War

Beyond claims of communicating with Martians, the need for eugenics and the impossibility of commercial airplanes, there was very little that Tesla did not assert loud prophecies about throughout his long life ranging far outside of his field of expertise.

Extending his super-human insight into the causes of wars, Tesla’s brilliance is once again shown to be slightly over-rated when he asserted that human beings, or intentions (see: ‘conspiracies’) can never be the cause of wars. The truly wise man, exclaims Tesla, knows that the cause of all wars is found in the mind-less mechanics of the solar system:

“A war can never be caused by arbitrary acts of man. It is invariably the more or less direct result of cosmic disturbance in which the sun is chiefly concerned. In many international conflicts of historical record which were precipitated by famine, pestilence or terrestrial catastrophes the direct dependence of the sun is unmistakable.”

Anyone reading Kaiser Wilhelm’s letters to his cousin Czar Nicholas II in the lead up to WWI would easily discover that the first world war was carefully orchestrated by leading strategists of the British Empire[1] (just as the Balkans War, Sino-Russian War of 1904, the Opium Wars, Crimean War and U.S. Civil War). The evidence demonstrating these facts are available to anyone capable of using their powers of reason, and yet somehow the great penetrating genius of Tesla was incapable of fathoming how human agendas could cause wars?

Perhaps, Tesla’s inability to recognize the human agency causing wars may have something to do with his close friendship with many members of the leading occult agencies who were orchestrating global wars?

Just a thought.

[1] Kaiser Wilhelm wrote despairingly in August 1914: “England, Russia, and France have agreed among themselves… to take the Austro-Serbian conflict for an excuse for waging a war of extermination against us… That is the real naked situation slowly and cleverly set going by Edward VII and… finally brought to a conclusion by George V… So the famous encirclement of Germany has finally become a fact, despite every effort of our politicians and diplomats to prevent it. The net has been suddenly thrown over our head, and England sneeringly reaps the most brilliant success of her persistently prosecuted purely anti-German world policy against which we have proved ourselves helpless, while she twists the noose of our political and economic destruction out of our fidelity to Austria, as we squirm isolated in the net. A great achievement, which arouses the admiration even of him who is to be destroyed as its result! Edward VII is stronger after his death than am I who am still alive!”

Also watch for free our RTF Docu-Series “Escaping Calypso’s Island: A Journey Out of Our Green Delusion” and our CP Docu-Series “The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs”.


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